If you are wondering where our representatives will be located, look no further. You can find an NVHS representative from one of our Search & Rescue Recon teams in one of three locations each week.
South Central Brevard: The Daily Bread in Melbourne at 815 Fee Avenue from 10:30AM-11:15AM on Fridays.
North Central Brevard: The House of Hope in Merritt Island, near Route 520 and Tropical Trail at 330 Magnolia Ave. from 7AM-8AM on Mondays.
Beachside in Brevard: The St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry at Holy Name of Jesus Church, in Indialantic at 3050 N. Highway A1A from 9AM-11AM on Thursdays, and Fridays.
You can also call NVHS on our local office line (321)208-7562, Mon-Fri, 7:30AM – 4PM to gain assistance and be transferred to the appropriate party to help you. You may also call our toll free line 1-888-787-NVHS (6847) any time of the day or night and leave a message.
NVHS works off tips and community help to locate and reach out to veterans in need. If you have a tip or know of a homeless veteran who may be in need of our help, please call the office and leave us a message.